Spider-Man: The Animated Series Subtitle East Germany (German Democratic Republic)
Spider-Man: The Animated Series
A young man with spider-like abilities fights crime as a superhero in New York City while trying to have a normal personal life.
After being bitten by a radioactive spider, young Peter Parker finds that he now has spider-like super powers. Hoping to use his new-found abiilties for wealth and fame, he lets his ego blind him to the needs of others, and indirectly causes the death of his uncle Ben when he refuses to help a police officer catch a fleeing criminal. Humbled by his failure, he resolves to use his talents for fighting crime, and becomes the superhero Spider-Man. While he fights assorted super-villains, Peter also must balance his personal life, including his girlfriend Mary Jane, his job as a photographer at the Daily Bugle, and a an editor who has convinced himself that Spider-man is a criminal that has to be brought down.
User Review
I've seen all those other Spidey cartoons, and as hilariously bad as they are, they're painful to watch; however, this version of Spider-Man has the most accurate representation of the character Peter Parker/Spider-Man and all his friends and enemies. The animation is interesting to look at, the story is quick-paced and exciting, and the dialogue has corny jokes and puns which are hilarious. They've even used the lesser-known villains, such as the Spot! Now THERE's an indication of a really good cartoon show. It's a shame they had to end it due to legal problems. Will the world ever learn?